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Guardian SDK for iOS(hereafter 'iOS SDK') provides the development kit to implement Guardian-CCS authentication in the iOS app. This document will describe how to make best use of the iOS SDK.

App Registration#

In order to use the iOS SDK, the app must be registered beforehand.We recommend you to check the app registration page in the next chapter for more details.


 To fully operate the iOS SDK, requirements below are necessary. - Xcode version 12.0 and above - iOS version 13.0 and above


Install with Cocoapods#

iOS SDK can be installed with Cocoapods and Cocoapods version must be 1.1 and above. If Cocoapods is already installed, move to the directory of project that will use the iOS SDK, and proceed as following.

1. pod init - create the podfile2. open podfile3. add library below in the podfile    pod 'GuardianSDKiOS'    pod 'Firebase/Analytics'    pod 'Firebase/Messaging'    pod 'TheAnimation'    pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'4. come back to the terminal and do 'pod install'
  • Libraries below will be automatically installed with iOS SDK
Alamofire, CryptoSwift, SwiftyJSON, StompClientLib, DeviceKit, SwiftOTP


To use iOS SDK, there are things needed to be imported. Also, to initialize iOS SDK, add in the AppDelegate.swift file like below.

import Firebaseimport FirebaseMessagingimport GuardianSDKiOSimport UserNotificationsimport IQKeyboardManagerSwift
@mainclass AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {        func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {        ...    }